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a woodland wedding bouquet.

Flower Delivery to Milford

Have you been looking for a florists in Milford that can deliver flowers? Why not check out Bud & Flower! This Kirdford based florists regularly deliver their floral arrangements to Milford and the surrounding area.

One of our friendly team can call to drop them off for a small charge of £7. If the lucky recipient isn't at home, we will endeavour to leave your flowers with a neighbour or in a safe area and leave a note to say that we have called.

Ways to order

Flower Delivery

Delivery Charge is £7,00.

(We do not post our flowers at this moment in time but we can post Ready made Christmas Wreaths and Christmas Wreath Kits at a flat rate of £15).

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TWIA Award Regional Highly Commended 2022.
TWIA Award Regional Best Newcomer 2022.
TWIA Award National Finalist 2023.

MONDAY - WEDNESDAY 10.00 - 17:00

THURSDAY - FRIDAY 10:00 - 17:30

SATURDAY 9:00 - 17:30

SUNDAY - Closed 

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TWIA Award Regional Winner 2023.

2 The WorkshopVillage Road, Kirdford, West Sussex. RH14 0NW England

01403 613415   Contact:

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VAT Reg: 446 0681 90

©2023 by Bud & Flower.

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